
American Council of Christian Churches
63rd Annual Convention, October 26-28, 2004

The war on terrorism has created unprecedented interest in the religion of Islam. Many of the pundits are reluctant to suggest that Islam is anything but a moral and peaceful religion. While it is true that millions of Muslims lead quiet, peaceful lives, both Islam’s history and its holy text, the Quran, undermine this view that is mainly driven by political-correctness and a stampede to pluralism. Bloodshed and conflict have accompanied Islam since the beginning of the 7th Century A.D. After all, it is the Quran that admonishes Muslims to “fight and slay the infidels wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them” (Sura 9, Verse 5). That instruction is followed faithfully by the terrorist groups in Afghanistan, Iraq and by the Republic of Sudan.

From its very beginning, Islam viewed Christianity as a religion of idolatry and contamination. For Muslims, one of the greatest sins is to believe that God could share His nature with humanity. Therefore, Islam denies the Christian beliefs of the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the crucifixion and death of Jesus for the sins of the world, and the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb. Thus, the very heart of Christianity is perceived as false.

The American Council of Christian Churches, meeting at its 63rd Annual Convention in Orono, Maine, confirms its belief that anyone who does not hold fast to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior will perish and not have eternal life (1 John 5:12). Further, as the great clash of civilizations between Christianity and Islam unravel before our eyes, we urge all of our churches and all Bible-believing Christians to pray that the Lord may cast down the strongholds of Islam and bring the thoughts of the Muslim people into captivity to obey Christ. We remind our constituency that our response to the dangers of Islam must be regulated by the truth of Scripture. We believe that people from every nation, ethnic group, tribe and language will be found amongst the innumerable company of those redeemed by the blood of Christ.

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Author: American Council of Christian Churches

Since 1941 the ACCC has sought to PROVIDE information, encouragement, and assistance to Bible-believing churches, fellowships and individuals; to PRESERVE our Christian heritage through exposure of, opposition to, and separation from doctrinal impurity and compromise in current religious trends and movements; to PROTECT churches from religious and political restrictions, subtle or obvious, that would hinder their ministries for God; to PROMOTE obedience to the inerrant Word of God.